The Libertines

Last post the bugle

The Libertines

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Last post the bugle

	  		Gm            F        
If I have to go,  
Bb         D 
I will be thinking of your love. 
Gm                     F         Bb 
Oh, somehow you'll know, you will know. 
I'm thinking of your love 

Cm F And slyly they whispered her away, Bb6 As I played the last post on the bugle Gm Cm F8 I hear them say "Oh, that boy's no different today" Gm Except in every single way, it's a price to pay.
Verse: Gm F If I have to go, Bb D I will be thinking of your love. Gm F Bb Oh, somehow you'll know, you will know. D I'm thinking of your love Chorus: Cm F Bb6 I was carried away caught up in an affray Gm As they led him away Cm F Gm He sang " We'll meet again someday you know my boy there's a price to pay" Verse: Gm F If I have to go, Bb D I will be thinking of your love. Gm F Bb Oh, somehow you'll know, you will know. D I'm thinking of your love Interlude: Gm Cm Inside I felt so alone. F Bb Locked in a room waiting for kingdom come G5 Gm Cm Though I felt elated I felt like I was scum Chorus: F Bb I was carried away, caught up in an affray Gm As they led him away, He sang: Cm F Gm We'll meet again someday, oh my boy, oh there's a price to pay Cm F Feels like I've never been away, Bb Gm though it's been longer than I could possibly say. Cm F I've been wandering the night Bb Gm I'm glad to see we're still tight. Cm F The bonds that tie a man are tight, Bb G Yet we do what we do G Ritual habituality , all through the night. _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: Rafael Pereira da Silva([email protected])

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