Neil Young

Human Highway

Neil Young

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Human Highway

Written by Neil Young


        G     C9 
I come down 
               G        Em 
from the misty mountain 
       D      C 
I got lost 
             G      C9 G 
on the human highway 
         G     C9 
Take my head 
             G        Em 
refreshing fountain 
         D      C 
Take my eyes 
              G      C9 G 
from what they've seen. 
Take my head 
           D      D4 D 
and change my mind 
How could people 
get so unkind. 

( D  D4  D  D4  D ) (2x)  

( G  C9  G ) 

        G     C9 
I come down 
                  G        Em 
from the crooked mansion 
         D      C 
I went lookin' 
                G      C9 G 
for the D.J.'s daughter 
           G     C9 
Since that day 
            G        Em 
I heard it mentioned 
       D    C           G      C9 G 
That my name is on the line. 
          C        D      D4 D 
Now, my name is on the line 
How could people 
get so unkind. 

( D  D4  D  D4  D ) (2x)   

( G  C9  G ) 

          C        D      D4 D 
Now, my name is on the line 
How could people 
get so unkind. 

( D  D4  D  D4  D ) (2x)   

( G  C9  G ) 

        G     C9 
I come down 
                  G        Em 
from the crooked mansion 
         D      C 
I went lookin' 
                G      C9 G 
for the D.J.'s daughter 
           G     C9 
Since that day 
            G        Em 
I heard it mentioned 
       D    C           G      C9 G 
That my name is on the line. 
          C        D      D4 D 
Now, my name is on the line 
How could people 
get so unkind. 

( D  D4  D  D4  D ) (2x)  

( G  C9  G ) 

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