Ben Harper

Excuse me Mr.

Ben Harper

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Excuse me Mr.

Written by Ben Harper, Jean Pierre Plunier

	  		(G Bb F G )  
Excuse me Mr.  
do you have the time  
or are you so important  
that it stands still for you  
excuse me Mr.  
lend me your ear  
or are you not only blind  
but do you not hear  
excuse me Mr.  
isn't that your oil in the sea  
and the pollution in the air Mr.  
whose could that be  
excuse me Mr.  
but I'm a mister too  
and you're givin'Mr a bad name  
Mr. like you  
so I'm taking the Mr.  
from out in front of your name  
cause it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  
it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  
and I've seen enough to know  
that I've seen too much  
excuse me Mr.  
can't you see thechildren dying  
you say that you can't help them  
Mr. you're not even trying  
excuse me Mr.  
take a look around  
Mr just look up  
and you'll see it's comin'down  
excuse me Mr.  
but I'm a mister too  
and you're givin'Mr a bad name  
Mr. like you  
so I'm taking the Mr.  
from out in front of your name  
cause it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  
it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  
and I've seen enough to know  
that I've seen too much  
so Mr. when you're rattling  
on heaven's gate  
let me tell you Mr.  
by then it's too late  
cause Mr. when you get there  
they don't ask how much you saved  
all they'l want to know,Mr.  
is what you gave  
excuse me Mr.  
but I'm a mister too  
and you're givin'Mr a bad name  
Mr. like you  
so I'm taking the Mr.  
from out in front of your name  
cause it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  
it's a Mr. like you  
that puts the rest of us to shame  


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