The Courteeners

Slow Down

The Courteeners

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Slow Down


Verse 1:

C Fmaj7 G If you're not careful you might rob us of this local treasure C Fmaj7 G With all of your un-necessary nasty not nice tabloid pressure C Fmaj7 G C That would be such a horrible thing to do Fmaj7 G If you don't know what i mean wait until it turns around G And they say to you
C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G Slow down
C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G (x2)

Verse 2:

C Fmaj7 What might trouble her at the back G C He starts to sing all of these lovely things Fmaj7 G And it starts her off and if not C Fmaj7 All i want in your heart places she con you G C Just like it stopped Fmaj7 G C Then you got that feeling that you don't know crap
C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Slow down Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G Slow down
Instrumental: C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G (x2) C Fmaj7 G (x2) Outro: C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C Fmaj7 Am7 D9 G S-low down C S-low down Fmaj7 Am7 (x3) G C

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