
Big Sleep


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Big Sleep

Written by Johnny McElhone/Sharleen Spiteri



Intro:  G   G 

G                             C            D9 
Sing low the baby 'cos we're here tonight 
G                     C             D9 
Together everyone is here in sight 
G                                    Bm 
The world and them, no they don't see our sky 
But no it isn't right 

G                                C              D9 
Wash all the clothes when he is here in sight 
G                       C            D9 
I couldn't even be and try to hide 
G                             Bm 
You've got my baby till the day I die 
It's so cold outside 
D                    C   Cadd9    G 
Here comes the big sleep scene in my eyes 

C   G   C   G    

D                    C   Cadd9    G 
Here comes the big sleep scene in my eyes 

G                           C              D9 
I go away 'cos daddy wasn't feeling right 
G                                C         D9 
The clouds passing by me in the moonlight 
G                            Bm 
No coming down now that I've got the time 
Oh, I was born to fly 
D                    C   Cadd9    G 
Here comes the big sleep scene in my eyes 

C                  C7               G 
(Such a love, such a love, such a love) 
C                  C7               G 
(Such a love, such a love, such a love) 

D                    C   Cadd9    G 
Here comes the big sleep scene in my eyes 
D                    C   Cadd9    G 
Here comes the big sleep scene in my eyes 

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