Syd Barrett

Bob Dylan Blues

Syd Barrett

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Bob Dylan Blues

Written by Syd Barrett

	  		G                 C              F  
Got the Bob Dylan Blues, and the Bob Dylan shoes  

       C                           G  
And my clothes' and my hair's in a mess  

But you know i just couldn't care less  

                 C                 F                C  
Gonna write me a song, bout what's right and what's wrong  

      C                       G  
Bout' God and my girl and all that  

Quiet while I make like a cat  

-Chorus I:  

C                         G          
Cos' I'm a poet, Don't ya know it?  

        C                F  
And the wind.. ..You can blow it,  

     C                 G  
Cos' I'm Mr. Dylan the King  

And I'm free as a bird on the wing  

G                 C             F  
Roam from town to town, guess I get people down,  

      C                         G     
But I don't care too much about that..  

Cos' my gut and my wallet are fat  

                   F                       C   
Make a whole lotta dough, but i deserve it though,  

      G                        F   
I got soul and a good heart of gold,  

        G                      C  
So I'll sing about war and the cold  

-Chorus II:  

C                         G  
Cos' I'm a poet, Don't ya know it?  

        C                F  
And the wind.. ..You can blow it,  

     C                 G  
Cos' I'm Mr. Dylan the King  

And I'm free as a bird on the wing  

G                  C                            F     
Well I sings about dreams, and I rhymes it with seems,  

C                                  G  
Cos' it seems that my dream always means..  

That I can prophesy all kinds of things  

G                      C          F  
Well the guy that digs me, should try hard to see,  

        C                      G  
That he buys all my disks in a hat..  

And when I'm in town go see that    

-Chorus III:  

C                         G  
Cos' I'm a poet, Don't ya know it?  

        C                F  
And the wind.. ..You can blow it,  

     C                 G  
Cos' I'm Mr. Dylan the King  

And I'm free as a bird on the wing  


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