Star Room Boys

White Lies, Blue Tears

Star Room Boys


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White Lies, Blue Tears

Written by Star Room Boys

	  		      G          Am  
White lies, blue tears 
    C           D 
Red eyes, black fears 
       G           Am 
Listen you, listen close 
           C     D        G 
Who?s your daddy love the most 
G                   Am  
Do you remember when I was free 
C                                   D 
I didn?t care about you, you didn?t care about me, whoa 
G                        Am           C 
And while the hurt comes down, what a shame 
Oh baby you didn?t hear  
I got a dollar to buy my wife 
I know my baby?s a friend of mine, listen here 
We got an angel up there swingin? low 
Word of minds, hearts that know 
Repeat Chorus 

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