Small Faces


Small Faces

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Written by Kenney Jones/Ronnie Lane/Steve Marriott/Ian McLagan

	  		Intro: E 

Verse 1:

A Life is just a bowl of All-Bran E You wake up every morning and it's there A So live as only you can E It's all about enjoy it 'cause ever since you saw it E N.C. There ain't no one can take it away.

Verse 2:

A So life is just a bowl of All-Bran - very true! E What you say has made it very clear A To be sure I'll live as best as I can E But how can I remember to keep it all together A E When half the moon is taken away?


A Well, I've got the very thing A If you can laugh and sing A Give me those happy days toytown newspaper smiles E Clap twice, lean back, twist for a while D A When you're untogether and feeling out of tune B E Sing this special song with me, don't worry 'bout the moon A Looks after itself
A Give me those happy days toytown newspaper smile E Clap twice, lean back, twist for a while D Well now you've got the hang of it A There's nothing you can't do with it B E A If you're very tuned to it you can't go wrong. A Give me those happy days toytown newspaper smile E Clap twice, lean back, twist for a while D Well now we've got the hang of it A There's nothing we can't do with it B E And now we're very into it we can't go wrong! A Give me those happy days toytown newspaper smile E Clap twice, lean back, twist for a while D Well now we've got the hang of it A There's nothing we can't do with it B E And now we're very into it we can't go wrong!

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