Roy Black

Green Green Grass Of Home

Roy Black

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Green Green Grass Of Home




Verse 1:

A The old hometown looks the same D A As I step down from the train E And there to meet me is my mama and papa A Down the road I look and there runs Mary D Hair of gold and lips like cherries A E A It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
A Yes, they'll all come to meet me D Arms reaching, smiling sweetly A E A It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

Verse 2:

A The old house is still standing D A Though the paint is cracked and dry E And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on A There’s a gide and a sudden parking D On and on I woke till daybreak A It's good to touch E A The green, green grass of home.
A Yes, they'll all come to meet me D Arms reaching, smiling sweetly A E A It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Solo A D A E

Verse 3:

A There’s a gide and a sudden parking D On and on I woke till daybreak A It's good to touch E A The green, green grass of home.
A Yes, they'll all come to meet me D Arms reaching, smiling sweetly A E D A It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

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