
Honor Is All We Know


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Honor Is All We Know

Written by Tim Armstrong


 - Verse: 

E                                        A       E 
Don’t change a goddamn thing, hold your head up high 
                                         A         B 
When the hard times come, we have the strength to defy 
A             B               C#m             B 
Believe in yourself, let the arrow leave the bow 
E          G#        A               E 
Honor is among us, honor is all we know 

 - verse 2: 

E                              A     E 
The night has come and we no longer see 
                                    A      B 
Better days around the corner, for you and me 
A              B      C#m           B 
Receive the horizon dawn’s golden glow 
E          G#        A              E 
Honor is among us, honor is all we know 


 - verse 3: 

E                               A     E 
It takes courage to make it in this land 
                               A    B 
So don’t forget, but forgive every man 
A                  B             C#m     B                              
And prosperity’s river it will forever flow 
E          G#        A              E 
Honor is among us, honor is all we know 


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