No Use For a Name

Chasing Rainbows

No Use For a Name

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Chasing Rainbows

C                 G           Am               F 
   Just heard the news today,    let yourself down once again 
C               G              Em                  F 
   Trusted your feelings in a place that no one goes 
C              G         Am         F 
   Will you do anything,    to satisfy your so-called 
C                        G                 F              F 
   friend? There's something you ought to know, before you explode 

Am            F                G                C   G 
All I want to do is make sure you stop chasing rainbows 
Am                 G             F             G 
Trusting those around you is an easy thing to do 
Am               F              G                 C     G 
I'm not saying don't believe in someone that you don't know 
Am                G                  F                     G 
Just don't go on thinking that the whole world tells the truth 

C                  G   Am           F 
   It's all fucked up,     being reserved and quiet 
C               G             Em                F 
   She doesn't understand the message that you send 
C                 G             Am                          F 
   Don't give it all away somewhere,    sometimes there's someone 
C              G                  F                   F 
   Who can replace that state of mind, you never give it time never 

Am            F                G                C   G 
All I want to do is make sure you stop chasing rainbows 
Am            G            F                   G 
Letting everybody crawl inside your heart and mind 
Am              F                G                     C   G 
Kicking you is easy when you're down that's where the weak go 
Am                 G          F                 G 
To release their anger on someone who will not try to stand up 
F        G      C 
and give them a fight 

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