New Model Army


New Model Army

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Key:  Am More
Lullaby Key EmEm
Lullaby Key FmFm
Lullaby Key F#mF#m
Lullaby Key GmGm(one step down)
Lullaby Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Lullaby Key AmAm(original key)
Lullaby Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Lullaby Key BmBm(one step up)
Lullaby Key CmCm
Lullaby Key C#mC#m
Lullaby Key DmDm
Lullaby Key D#mD#m

Intro: Am  Dm  G (4x) 

Am               Dm      G 
  So where do we begin?  
Am              Dm         G 
  It must be thirty-five years 
           Am                       Dm        G 
You've the breath of my mother, the life of a stranger 

Am  Am  Dm  G 

Am              Dm  G 
   so much to tell  
Am                   Dm    G 
   so much I need to know. 
Am                Dm      G 
All of the stories, the reasons 

Am  Am  Dm  G 
Am Dm G Your face I remember Am Dm G and your breath I remember Am Dm G Am Take me in your arms, back in your arms Dm G Take me in your arms
Am Dm G So walk out this night Am Dm G and look up at the stars, Am Dm G the light that you see is as old as I am Am Am Dm G Am Dm G And that's what I see, Am Dm G when I gaze in your eyes Am Dm G Am Loving a ghost lost in confusion of time Am Am Dm G Am Dm G Am but our love remains Am Dm G Am through these brightest hours. Am Dm G Am and my secret world
Am Dm G Your face I remember Am Dm G and your breath I remember Am Dm G Am Take me in your arms, take me in your arms Am Dm G back in your arms Am Dm G Your face I remember Am Dm G and your breath I remember Am Dm G Am Take me in your arms, back in your arms Dm G Take me in your arms
Am Am Dm G (2x) Asus4

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