
Bobby, Don't You Think They Know?


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Bobby, Don't You Think They Know?

Intro: D#m  G#m  B  D#m 

D#m Ice snow, spikes blow D#m G#m B Bobby don't you think they know? B A# D#m Bobby don't you think they know?

Verse 1:

D#m G#m Aren't you…tired…of pretending? B D#m I know,…your torture below D#m G#m Aren't you tired of…pretending? B A# D#m I know, your torture down below
D#m Scag a shack, Mexican mud Little Jo in the snow G#m B Bobby don't you think they know? A# D#m Bobby don't you think they know?

Verse 2:

D#m G#m Aren't you tired of pretending? B A# D#m I know, your torture below


C# B D#m But, ah the pleasure you bring for us C# B D#m Ah whenever you sing for us C# B D#m Ah the pleasure you bring for us C# B A# Ah whenever you sing for us

Verse 3:

D#m Eighth track, A-bomb (come on now) White mosquito G#m Of course they know G#m You ain't fooling nobody
D#m Snow king, toot-and-horse Then something worse D#m G#m Bobby, don't you think they know? G#m Don't you think they know, Bobby? D#m Oh, Bobby don't you think they know?


C# B D#m But, ah the pleasure you bring for us C# B D#m Ah whenever you sing for us C# B D#m Ah the pleasure you bring for us C# B A# Ah whenever you sing for us
Solo: D#m G#m B

Verse 4:

D#m Everybody knows G#m B D#m You ain't fooling nobody G#m B Lord have mercy for the man
Solo: D#m G#m B
D#m Ice snow, spikes blow G#m B Oh, Bobby don't you think they know? A# D#m Oh, don't you think they know D#m Scag a shack, Mexican mud Little Jo in the snow G#m B Bobby don't you think they know? A# D#m Of course they know
( C# B D#m ) ( C# B D#m C# ) ( C# B D#m ) ( C# B D#m C# ) Final: B D#m B A# You can't hide it, Bobby

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