Mischief Brew

Watching Scotty Die

Mischief Brew

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Watching Scotty Die

Written by Mischief Brew

	  		Chords for Mischief Brewer's cover of the Dead Milkman song "Watching Scottie Die". If  
you notice any errors, let me know and I will fix them. 


E                   G# 
I’ve got a kid, his name is Scott 
     A                    B                    C#m 
He’s going blind, and his blood just will not clot 
     A               E 
The doctors line in rows 
         B                 C#m     B A 
To stick tubes up Scotty’s nose. 
E                        G#              A 
There is the field where Scotty used to play 
       B                  C#m    A                 E      B A 
Until Ortho Orange Number 42 was dumped in it one day. 


  I think it’s so funny, 
                                E     C#m 
I laugh until I cry just me and Goooooood 
A               B 
Watching Scotty die. 
C#m   A  E   C#m A E 
Just me and God 
C#m G# A               E 
       Watching Scotty die. 

The bass line for the second "just me and god" goes... 


E                   G# 
The chemical plant across the street 
A                      B                 C#m 
Leaves off steam that colors our white sheets 
           A             E 
It’s been happening for years 
         B               C#m  B A 
Now I’m crying rainbow tears. 
E                   G# 
One day my dog went out to play 
   A               B                  C#m 
Instead of grey he came back colored yellow 
    A                        G#          A.              E 
The chemical men said, “stay mellow, it happens all the time!” 
     G#              C#m   B A 
Now Scotty’s skin is lime. 


  I think it’s so funny, 
                                E     C#m 
I laugh until I cry just me and Goooooood 
A               B 
Watching Scotty die. 
C#m   A  E   C#m A E 
Just me and God 
C#m G# A               E 
       Watching Scotty die. 

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