Mischief Brew

O Pennsyltucky

Mischief Brew

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O Pennsyltucky

Written by Mischief Brew/Erik Petersen

verse 1 

D              Bm        
We sat on the Bulb rocks 
      A              G 
With plum wine and we watched 
     D            Bm          A            G 
The fog roll and swallow the bridge on the bay 
 D                 Bm 
I thought, “I could live here,” 
    A                 G 
But I’m still in high gear 
    D            Bm        A      G     
And sweating and freezing 3,000 away 

D Bm O Pennsyltucky! A D Your three mile islands G D E7 A The coal fires buckle the miners’ highways D Bm I love just to leave you A G But it’s good to see you G D And old Filthadelph A D Hostile City, PA G D A
verse 2 D Bm Where we all come from A G Most died of the Black Lung D Bm A G Another, a browbeater, boxer, and saint D Bm When he finally got caught, A G The cops made a few calls D Bm They opened his cell A G Never fought him again
D Bm O Pennsyltucky! A D Your three mile islands G D E7 A The coal fires buckle the miners’ highways D Bm I love just to leave you A G But it’s good to see you G D And old Filthadelph A D Hostile City, PA G D And old Filthadelph A D Hostile City, PA
(I can't get this part right for the life of me i know it ends in "A") A Wake me when Steel City’s roadwork signs Shine in my face N.C. Whew, now I’m safe (i believe the solo is played over the Chorus) verse 3 D Bm Was that a peepshow A G With drive-thru windows? D Bm A G The gun show’s got carousels and funnel cakes D Bm It says “Church” in neon A G And asks me what’s beyond D Bm A G If I had to guess, I’d say more of the same
D Bm O Pennsyltucky! A D Your three mile islands G D E7 A The coal fires buckle the miners’ highways D Bm I love just to leave you A G But it’s good to see you G D And old Filthadelph A D Hostile City, PA G D And old Filthadelph A D Hostile City, PA

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