Misc Christmas

The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy

Misc Christmas

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The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy

verse 1 
    E                 B 
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy, 
     B7               E 
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy, 
           E7          A 
The Virgin Mary had a  baby boy, 
         E             B7       E 
And they said that His name was Jesus. 

B7 He come from the glo - ry, E A B7 E He come from the glorious king-dom. B7 He come from the glo - ry, E A B7 E He come from the glorious king-dom. A E A E Oh, yes! Believer. Oh, yes! Believer B7 He come from glo - ry, E A B7 E He come from the glorious king-dom.
verse 2 E B The angels sang when the baby was born, B7 E The angels sang when the baby was born, E7 A The angels sang when the baby was born, E B7 E And pro-claimed Him the Sav - iour Jesus. verse 3 E B The wise men saw where the baby was born B7 E The wise men saw where the baby was born E7 A The wise men saw where the baby was born E B7 E And they saw that His name was Jesus.

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