Misc Cartoons

Blippi - The Dinosaur Song

Misc Cartoons

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Blippi - The Dinosaur Song


Verse 1:

A E A long time ago on this planet earth D E A Before we ever existed F#m C#m Another creature rule the land D A E And this is a song for them
A Dinosaur,roar B Dinosaur,roar Bm E A Oh i love dinosaurs A Dinosaur,roar B Dinosaur,roar Bm E A Prehistoric dinosaurs,roar

Verse 2:

A F#m Stegosaurus were bigger than elephants D E But thier brains were the size of a peppermint A F#m Triceratops had three horns on thier head D E In case they had a needed to defend A F#m The Brachiosaurus had a really long neck D E And at the end was a bitty bitty head A F#m Pterodactyls would soar through the sky D E Thier were enourmous in size D E D And if they stood up straight on the ground E A They would be as tall as a giraffe
A Dinosaur,roar B Dinosaur,roar Bm E A Oh i love dinosaurs

Verse 3:

A F#m Raptors were smart and fast D E And like wolves they would hunt in packs A F#m The Elasmosaurus was the king of the deep D E He'd swin around in the sea A F#m The Ankylosaurus had a tail like a hammer D E And the body that was built like a tank A F#m And Spinosaurus had a spine like a sail D E And look quite a bite like a crocodile A F#m Oh boy, the Tyranosaurus Rex D E The king of dinosaurs A F#m They rule the land on thier big back legs D E And that of thier mighty roar, Roar


A A7 They would march and fierce in all of the enemy D F They had the biggest sharpest teeth A F#m But my little tiny arms are always just kinda D E A hanging there out of my body
A Dinosaur,roar B Dinosaur,roar Bm E A Oh i love dinosaurs A Dinosaur,roar B Dinosaur,roar Bm E A Prehistoric dinosaurs,roar Roar

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