Megan Davies

Somebody To Love

Megan Davies

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Somebody To Love

	  		Megan Davies - Somebody To Love (Kacey Musgraves Acoustic Cover) 
Tempo: 70 bpm 
Transcribed by Robert from Astlessons 


C  Em  Fmaj7/C G C 

verse 1 

           C                                      Em 
We're all hoping, we're all hopeless, we're all thorns and we're all roses 
         Fmaj7/C                        C 
We're all looking down our noses at ourselves 
            C                                      Em 
We're all flawed and we're all perfect, we're all lost and we're all hurting 
        Fmaj7/C             G          C 
And just searching for somebody to love 

verse 2 

           C                                   Em 
We're all liars, we're all legends, we're all tens, that want elevens 
         Fmaj7/C                              C 
We're all trying to get to heaven, but not today 
           C                                  Em 
We're all happy, we're all hatin', we're all patiently impatient 
        Fmaj7/C           G          C 
And just waiting for somebody to love 

Chorus 1 

Fmaj7/C We're all good, but we ain't angels, we all sin, but we ain't devils Em Am We're all pots and we're all kettles, but we can't see it in ourselves Fmaj7/C Em We're all livin' 'til we're dying, we ain't cool, but man we're trying Fmaj7/C G Just thinking we'll be fixed by someone else
verse 3 C Em We all wrangle with religion, we all talk, but we don't listen Fmaj7/C C We're all starving for attention then we'll run C Em We're all paper, we're all scissors, we're all fightin' with our mirrors Fmaj7/C G C Scared we'll never find somebody to love Chorus 2
Fmaj7/C We're all good, but we ain't angels, we all sin, but we ain't devils Em Am We're all pots and we're all kettles, but we can't see it in ourselves Fmaj7/C Em We're all livin' 'til we're dying, we ain't cool, but man we're trying Fmaj7/C G Just thinking we'll be fixed by someone else
verse 4 C Em Just tryin' to hold it all together, we all wish our best was better Fmaj7/C C Just hopin' that forever's really real C Em We'll miss a dime to grab a nickel, overcomplicate the simple Fmaj7/C G Am We're all little kids just looking for love Fmaj7/C G C Em Fmaj7/C G C Yeah don't we all just want somebody to love If you like this transcription, feel free to check out my YouTube channel where I post tutorials: //Robert

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