Ed Sheeran


Ed Sheeran

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I can taste salt water 
E7/G 320100                
And if I blink again 
You'll be sinking in 
         G                               C 
So we'll learn to swim in the oceans you made 
            E7/G                    Am   
I'll hold ya and you'll think of him 
    G                               F 
And pretty soon you'll be floating away 

         C              E7/G               Am    
And I'll hold on to the words you spoke of 
              C                 F            
Anchored down in my throat, love 
                        Am            F 
And I'm captain of this sinking boat now 
But just when I'm 'bout to carry me home 

 When salted tears won't dry 
     Am           F 
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 
These hearts will be flooded tonight 
     Am           F               
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 
Your eyes 
Your eyes 
Your eyes  
Your eyes 
    Am     F 
Your  eyes 

            -stop  C     E7/G  
I still taste salt water 
On my lips from your kiss, bitterness 
      G                           C 
And I drown within the oceans you made 
                   E7/G                                        Am 
And I hate to love you, these cuffs are covered in your make-up 
I'll never trust you again 
You can just be a friend 

         C              E7/G              Am    
And I'll hold on to the words you spoke of 
              C                 F            
Anchored down in my throat, love 
                        Am            F 
And I'm captain of this sinking boat now 
But just when I'm 'bout to carry me home 

 When salted tears won't dry 
     Am           F 
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 
These hearts will be flooded tonight 
     Am           F               
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 

(C)                   Gsus 
Your eyes, your lips, your mouth 
Your thighs, your back, you drive me wild 
  F                    C 
Tonight, the fact design 
I'm on my way home 
           Am   F 
On the way home 
                   C        Gsus 
I lied, I tried to cry but I'm  
    C               F-once     C Am F  
I'm drowning in the oceans you made 

C Am Am/D F 

When salted tears won't dry 
     Am           F 
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 
These hearts will be flooded tonight 
     Am           F               
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves 
Gsus       C 
Under your eyes 
Your eyes 
Your eyes 
Your eyes  
Your eyes 
    Am     F 
Your  eyes 

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