Christy Moore


Christy Moore

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Written by Christy Moore

Key:  Am More
Aisling Key EmEm
Aisling Key FmFm
Aisling Key F#mF#m
Aisling Key GmGm(one step down)
Aisling Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Aisling Key AmAm(original key)
Aisling Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Aisling Key BmBm(one step up)
Aisling Key CmCm
Aisling Key C#mC#m
Aisling Key DmDm
Aisling Key D#mD#m

See the bright new moon is rising, 
 F                  C       G 
Above the land of black and green 
Hear the rebels voices calling, 
    F       C              G   C 
I will not die 'till you bury me 

      C                   F            C 
The aunt upstairs in the bed she is calling, 
  F            C    G   
Why has he forsaken me 
   C            F        C 
Faded pictures in the hallway, 
   F           C           G       C 
Which one of them brown ghosts is he 

Bless the wind that shakes the barley, 
  F                   C         G 
Curse the spade and curse the plough 
  C                      F        C 
I've counted years and weeks and days, 
        F      C          G       C 
And I wish to God I was with you now 

 C                   F              
Fare thee well me black-haired diamond, 
 C                       G 
Fare thee well me own Aisling 
 C         F             C          F 
At night fond dreams of you still haunt me, 
 C     F          G        C 
Far across the grey north sea 
         F                      G 
And the wind it blows from the North and South, 
 F                       G 
To the East And to the West 
   F                 G 
I will be like the wind my love, 
   F                 Am    C      F     G   C 
For I will know no rest 'till I return to thee 

1, 2, 3 telegraph poles, 
    F             G          Am 
Standing on the cold black road 
The night is fading into morning, 
 F                        G    Am 
Give us a drop of your sweet poitin 

The rain was lashing - the sun was rising, 
      F                  G         Am 
The wind was howling through the trees 
The madness from the mountains crawling, 
      F          G             Am 
When I saw you first my own Aisling 

Bless the wind that shakes the barley, 
  F                   C         G 
Curse the spade and curse the plough 
  C                      F        C 
I've counted years and weeks and days, 
        F      C          G       C 
And I wish to God I was with you now 

 C                   F              
Fare thee well me black-haired diamond, 
 C                       G 
Fare thee well me own Aisling 
 C         F             C          F 
At night fond dreams of you still haunt me, 
 C     F          G        C 
Far across the grey north sea 

Lots of Love, 


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