Chester See

I Keep Waiting

Chester See

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I Keep Waiting


Intro: Am, F, C, G (2x) 

Am F C G 
Days they turn to weeks, it's still the same 
Am F C G 
Love songs sing the words I'll never say  
Am F C G 
And time she screams you're such a fool  
Am F C G 
But I'm just waiting, waiting on my cue  
F C 
Like one where time just stops,  
Am G 
And for the moment we get lost  
F C G 
There's something in the air we can't resist.  
F C 
She starts to close her eyes,  
Am G 
I lean in and I close mine  
F C G 
The only thing that's left to do is kiss  
F C Am F C G 
I keep waiting for moments like this.  
Am F C G 
I keep waiting 

Am F C G 
Weeks they turn to months, still the same 
Am F C G 
Time she's travelled on but I remain. 
Am F C G 
Struggling with the fear I'll be denied  
Am F C G 
But I'm just waiting for the timing to be right.  
F C 
Like one when suddenly,  
Am G 
she starts to notice me.  
F C G 
The slightest of her smiles says this is it. 
F C 
I take her by the hand,  
Am G 
her touch helps me understand  
F C G 
The only thing that's left to do is kiss.  
F C Am F C G 
I keep waiting for moments like this.  
Am F C G 
I keep waiting,  
Am F C G 
I keep waiting,  
Am F C G 
I keep waiting,  
Am F C G  
I keep waiting,  

Am F C G 
Ooooo- ooo  
Am F C G 
I keep waiting  
Am F C G 

Am F C G 
Months they come and go it's still the same.  

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