Black Casino and the Ghost

Son Of The Dust

Black Casino and the Ghost

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Son Of The Dust



G4    Gm  
Bbm   Fm 
good  lord 
G4             Gm 
Where have you gone? 
Bbm          Fm 
Why have you left me? 
G4               Gm 
I've been such a good 
G#m       Gm 
Christian son 
Fm          Gm 
Said all my prayers 
G4                    Gm 
Joined your house and children 
Every Sunday 
Bbm    G#7 
But    still 
Fm               G4 
I'm feeling so ill 
G#   Bb 
But  still 
I wonder if you give a 
G4    Gm  
Bbm   Fm 
good  lord 
G4             Gm 
Where have you gone? 
Bbm          Fm 
Why have you left me? 
G4             Gm 
I know you can see 
Bbm            Fm 
All my deepest secret 
And I know that 
Surely you know 
Bbm    Fm 
My devotion 
G4               Gm 
I've been such a good 
G4        Gm 
Christian son 
Fm          Gm 
Said all my prayers 
G4                    Gm 
Joined your house and children 
Every Sunday 
Bbm    G#7 
But    still 
Fm               G4 
I'm feeling so ill 
G#   Bb 
But  still 
I wonder if you give a 
G4    Gm  
Bbm   Fm 
good  lord 
G4             Gm 
Where have you gone? 
Bbm                G4 
Why have you left me? 
How can I pray 'till the end? 
G4                    Gm   Bbm 
I will obey 'till the end  but 
G4                   Gm 
My hands are full of sand 
Full of sand... 
G4    Gm  
Bbm   Fm 
good  lord 
G4             Gm 
Where have you gone? 
Bbm          Fm 
Why have you left me? 
G4    Gm  
Bbm   Fm 
good  lord 
G4             Gm 
Where have you gone? 
Bbm          Fm 
Why have you left me? 
G4  Gm  Bbm  Fm  G4 
Oh good lord 

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