Billy Joe Shaver

That's What She Said Last Night

Billy Joe Shaver



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That's What She Said Last Night

Written by Billy Joe Shaver/Eddy Shaver

	  		INTRO: G  C  D  G 

That's what she said last night 
That's what she said last night 
You about to get it alright, alright 
That's what she said last night 

               G                          C 
I went down to Kinko's to get some faxing done 
                 D                                   G 
My ex-girlfriend works down there, she was my number one 
                   G                               C 
She said Billy I'm busy, why don't you come around back 
               D                                        G 
I'll clear the store and lock the doors, we can fax all night 

That's what she said last night 
That's what she said last night 
We can fax all night alright 
That's what she said last night 


I found my other girlfriend livin' in my house 
When I got home two days late she up and chunked me out 
I went out and bought her this groovin' watch to make things up with her 
She said Billy I love a good groovin' 
Then she begin to pur 

That's what she said last night 
That's what she said last night 
I love a good groovin' alright alright 
That's what she said last night 


I got a brand new cellphone, AT&T 
It was a lil' bitty thing just right for a country boy like me 
My girlfriend took a poke at the thing, then she threw it away 
She said Billy I know you're attached to that thing, but it's too small for me 

That's what she said last night 
That's what she said last night 
That lil' thing's too small for me 
That's what she said last night 

That's what she said last 
That's what she said last night 
You're about to get it alright alright 
That's what she said last night 


That's what she said last night 
That's what she said last night 
You're about to get it all night alright 
That's what she said last night

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