Ace of Base

Life is a flower

Ace of Base



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Life is a flower

             A    Bm 
We live in a free world 
   G               Dsus4 - D 
I whistle down the wind 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
          A  Bm 
life is a flower 
   G                Dsus4 - D 
so precious in your hand 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
Bm         A                   G              D 
When every race is run and the day is closing in 
Bm           A                   G              D    
I don't care about the world I'm living for the light 
Bm            A         G D 
don't cry for me today, oh 
             A    Bm 
We live in a free world 
   G               Dsus4 - D 
I whistle down the wind 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
          A  Bm 
life is a flower 
   G                Dsus4 - D 
so precious in your hand 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
Bm       A                G              D       
I cannot be your judge Mr Jailer is your host 
Bm           A               G                  D 
he's keeping you inside, and hides you from the world 
Bm         A              G             D  
no catcher in the rye can help you from yourself  
             A    Bm 
We live in a free world 
   G               Dsus4 - D 
I whistle down the wind 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
          A  Bm 
life is a flower 
   G                Dsus4 - D 
so precious in your hand 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
A         Bm    G                  D 
please Mr Agony release them for a while 
A              Bm             G              D 
learn then the consequence of living without life 
             A    Bm 
We live in a free world 
   G               Dsus4 - D 
I whistle down the wind 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 
          A  Bm 
life is a flower 
   G                Dsus4 - D 
so precious in your hand 
         A  Bm 
carry on smiling 
        G                     Dsus4 - D 
and the world will smile with you 


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