Weyes Blood

Picture Me Better

Weyes Blood

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Picture Me Better

verse 1 

G            Bm 
  Picture me better 
  Am                        C 
I finally found the time to write you this letter 
G                  Bm Bbm Am 
  To the stars and moon...  for you 
And it's coming back soon 
G               Bm          Am 
  Don't need no money when you're around 
And you're making me act funny 
G                                Bm      Bbm 
  Can't help to smile with those eyes that shine 
Am A7(b9)   C       Cm 
Only, if only you could see 

G You got it all in spades C C/B Am Got a lot of dreams and songs to say D Hearts to break G Bm Bbm Am D Waiting for the call from beyond G Bm Bbm Waiting for something with meaning Am A7(b9) C/G G Gm G To come through... soon
verse 2 G Bm Picture us better Am C We finally found a winter for your sweater G Bm Bbm Am Got a brand new big suit of armour A7(b9) C Cm It's tough, since you left I've grown so much
G If I could have seen you just once more C C/B Am Tell you how much you're adored D There's no point anymore G Bm Bbm Am D Waiting for the call from beyond G Bm Bbm Waiting for something with meaning Am A7(b9) C/G G To come through... soon

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