Webb Pierce

Sooner Or Later

Webb Pierce

chords Beginner beginner


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Sooner Or Later

	  		G             D7     G                     
Your cheating past I knew  when I fell in love with you 

      C                                         D7 
But I thought that I could help you change your ways 

    G    D7      G                  
But memo-ries in time keep burning on your mind 

C         G                        D7                   G 
Sooner or later you're gonna cater back to the cheating kind 

               D7     G                         
Yes I know I'm losing you  and there's nothing I can do 

C                                   D7 
I know I'm about to give you up someday 

      G         D7       G                      
Cause somewhere down the line  your heart will fall behind 

          C                   G 
When your past starts calling you'll start falling 
D7                   G 
Back to the cheating kind 

               D7     G                         
Yes I know I'm losing you  and there's nothing I can do 

C                                   D7 
I know I'm about to give you up someday 

      G         D7       G                     
Cause somewhere down the line  your heart will fall behind 

          C                   G 
When your past starts calling you'll start falling 
D7                   G 
Back to the cheating kind 

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