Trobar de Morte

The Song Of The Stones

Trobar de Morte

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The Song Of The Stones

	  		Intro Am  C  G  Em  Am  
      Am  C  G  Em  Am  

Verse 1:

Am Em G D My heart in your hands the past in your eyes Am Em G D Smiling in your harms, crying with the time Am Em G D The sing of the birds, from this darkness Am Em G D Remember me all my sadness Dance of the stones
Am Em G D Dancing the song of the stones Am Em G D Down the rain in an ancient earth Am Em G D Dancing the song of the stones Am Em G D Down the rain in an ancient earth

Verse 2:

Am Em G D The breath of the sea and the light of the Moon Am Em G D Take my soul to the infinite space Am Em G D The song of the wind and the noise of this night Am Em G D Go with me in this mystic dance Dance of the stones
Am Em G D Dancing the song of the stones Am Em G D Down the rain in an ancient earth Am Em G D Dancing the song of the stones Am Em G D Down the rain in an ancient earth Am Em G D Dancing the song of the stones Am Em G D Down the rain in an ancient earth

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