Tracy Chapman

Give Me One Reason

Tracy Chapman

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by  SLAISE12

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Give Me One Reason

Written by Tracy L Chapman

	  		 F#                                            B       C#                      F# 
Give me one reason to stay here and I'll turn my back-a-round 
 B                                                       C#                      F# 
Give me one reason to stay here and I'll turn my back-a-round 
Said I don't want to leave you lonely, 
 B                                                 F# 
you've got to make me change my mind... 
Verse 1: 
 F#                               B       C#                          F#
Baby I got your number, and I know that you've got mine 
 B                                     C#                              F#
You know that I called you, I called too many times 
You can call me baby, 
              B                             F#
You can call me anytime, you got to call me... 
Verse 2: 
 F#                                               B             C#                   F#
I don't want no one to squeeze me, they might take away my life 
 B                                                                  C#                 F#
I don't want no one to squeeze me, they might take away my life 
I just want someone to hold me, 
 B                 F#     
and rock me tonight... 
Verse 3: 
(STOP)                                             B    C#                         F#
This youthful heart can love you, yeah and give you what you need 
       B                                             C#                         F#
This youthful heart can love you, and give you what you need 
But I'm too old to go chasing you around, 
 B                              F#
Wasting my precious energy 
Outro Chorus: 
 F#                                        B          C#                    F#
Baby just give me one reason, give me just one reason why 
 B                                                     C#                    F#
Baby just give me one reason, give me just one reason why (I should stay) 
         C#                        B   (Music Stops)                       G      F#
Said I told you that I love you and there ain't no more to say 


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