The Backseat Lovers
Guitar chords Easy level Easy
[Intro ]C  Am  G 
      C  Am 

C                     Am    G 
We're both throwing smoke into the night 
    C                    Am 
It's raining, I suppose you need a ride 
     C                         Am    G 
She said I've got nothing to do and neither do you 
      C                    Am 
There's a place down the road where we can waste the whole afternoon 

I overhead that she was 19 
She's got a fake ID and a nose ring 
Fmaj7                   C 
Those kind of girls tend to know things 
             Gm Fmaj7   
Better than I do 
     C                    Gm 
And I'm dying to figure out what she's hiding 
   Fmaj7                   C               Gm     Fmaj7   
She's playing it cool but she's lying better than I do 

Solo C  Gm  Fmaj7  C  Gm  Fmaj7  
     C  Gm  Fmaj7  C  Gm  Fmaj7  
     C  Am  G  C  Am  G  

   C                     Am    G 
It feels like a night to carry a tune 
C                             Am 
I've been carrying yours since you wrecked my room 
C                           Am    G 
And I've got nothing to do and neither do you 
      C                               Am                 Fmaj7 
So we chase jack with love and waste away the whole afternoon 

I overhead that she was 19 
She's got a fake ID and a nose ring 
Fmaj7                   C 
Those kind of girls tend to know things 
            Gm  Fmaj7   
Better than I do 
     C                    Gm 
And I'm dying to figure out what she's hiding 
   Fmaj7                   C               Gm     Fmaj7   
She's playing it cool but she's lying better than I do 

( C  Gm  Fmaj7  C  Gm  Fmaj7 ) 
( C  Gm  Fmaj7  C  Gm  Fmaj7 ) 
( C  Gm  Fmaj7  C  Gm  Fmaj7 ) 

Final Fmaj7  Cmaj7