Shooting at Unarmed Men

No-one Can Waltz

Shooting at Unarmed Men

chords Intermediate intermediate


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No-one Can Waltz

E   A 

Verse 1:

There are no guitares, just the bass line N.C. the cinemas are filled with hurts N.C. it?s not the way for us to go N.C. your cinema is not for sale N.C. so don?t expect your cinema ????
E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch! E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch!
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E A e|---------------| B|-------------2-| that little fill G|-1-1-1---1---2-| before the 2nd verse D|-------2---0-2-| A|-------------0-| E|---------------|
N.C. the finest vine, starts hiccin? me N.C. we?re losing leaders every single day now N.C. the finest vine, starts hiccin? me N.C. we?re losing leaders every single day now
E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch! E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch! E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch! E5 A5 E5 E5 A5 E5 A5 B5 C# D5 bitch! Outro play this 6x A5 B5 C# D5 No One Can Waltz! End on A

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