Sam Palladio

It Aint Yours To Throw Away

Sam Palladio

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It Aint Yours To Throw Away

Capo on 2nd fret


D                  A                 E 
The same road that brought you here sure as hell take you home 
The life you left behind will have you back 
You're tired of paying dues, your worn out shoes, and Broadway blues 
And any fool will tell you the damn old deck is stacked 

D                      A 
What if you're just a vessel 
And God gave you something special 

D                  A      E 
It ain't yours to throw away 
It ain't yours to throw away 
Every time you open up your mouth 
Diamonds come rolling out 
It ain't yours to throw away 

And all of the players, the movers and shakers 
The story maker suits have gone home 
You drew the last slot, you thought it was your shot 
But now, it's just one more chance blown 

What if you're just a vessel 
And God gave you something special 
It ain't yours to throw away 
It ain't yours to throw away 
Every time you open up your mouth 
Diamonds come rolling out 
It ain't yours to throw away 

Yeah, that town is cold as January 
Life comes true, dreams get buried 
Every day, destiny won't be denied 

It ain't yours to throw away 
No, it ain't yours to throw away 
'Cause every time you open up your mouth 
Diamonds come rolling out 
It ain't yours to throw away 
It ain't yours to throw away 

Throw away 

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