Ray Conniff

Somewhere My Love

Ray Conniff

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Somewhere My Love

Written by Maurice Jarre/Paul Francis Webster

	  		G    D9   Cdim G                   Gdim      D7 
Somewhere, My  Love, there will be songs to sing 
Am7	        D7    Am7        D7        G 
Although the snow covers the hope of spring; 
G     D9 Cdim G                Gdim      D7 
Somewhere a  hill blossoms in green and gold, 
  Am7           D7     Am7            D7        G 
And there are dreams ? all that your heart can hold. 
C   C/B Am7 Am7/G        C    Am7  G 
Someday     we'll meet again, My Love, 
Bb                      F     Bb9      D7 
Someday, whenever the spring breaks through. 
  G     D9 Cdim  G             Gdim     D 
You'll come  to  me out of the long a - go, 
 Am7         D7   Am7          D7     G 
Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow; 
G   D9  Cdim   G                Gdim     D7 
Til then, My Sweet, think of me now and then; 
Am7            D    Am7         D7      G 
God speed, My Love, til you are mine again. 


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