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Year: 2008 - Album: The Final Riot!

Written by Hayley Williams / Josh Farro

	  		Intro:Gm    Bb  F    Gm  Bb  F (x4) 

Verso 1: 
Bb                  Eb 
Close your eyes and make believe 
F                 Gm    Eb 
This is where you wanna be 
   Bb              Eb 
Forgetting all the memories Try to forget  
F          Gm        Eb 
love cause love's forgotten me 
     Bb   Eb  
Well hey, hey baby it's never too late 
       F              Gm         Eb 
Pretty soon you won't remember a thing 
    Bb   Eb 
And I'll be distant as stars reminiscent 
     F       Gm   Eb 
Your heart's been wasted on me 

Bb  Eb  F    Gm Eb (hold) 
Ohhh    ohhh  oh  oh 

  You've never been so used 
As I'm using you 
Abusing you My little decoy 
  Don't look so blue 
You should've seen right though 
I'm using you My little decoy 

(Repete Intro junto) 
My little decoy 

Verso 2: 
Bb            Eb 
Live a life inside a dream 
F       Gm       Eb 
Time is changing everything 
   Bb          Eb 
Forgetting all the memories And I'm forced into  
F        Gm           Eb 
you just cause you're into me 
     Bb   Eb 
Well hey, hey baby it's never too late 
         F5             Gm         Eb 
When I'm gone you won't remember a thing 
    Bb       Eb 
But I can't stay and no, I won't wait 
      F             Gm         Eb 
I was gone from the very first day 

(Repete Refrão e Chorus) 

Cm   Eb   Gm 
Ohhh  Awww  Awww 
F                Cm 
I'm not sorry at all 
              Eb                Gm 
(not sorry at all, not sorry at all) 
no, no 
  F                Cm 
I wont be sorry at all 
              Eb                Gm 
(not sorry at all, not sorry at all) 
no, no 
F (hold) 
  I'd do it over again 

(Repete Intro) 

Gm      Bb      Eb 
  Don't look so blue 
F         Gm  Eb 
My little de    coy 
Gm              Bb         Eb 
  You should've seen right through 
F         Gm  Eb 
My little de    coy 
Gm             Bb      Eb 
  You've never been so used 
F         Gm  Eb 
My little de    coy 
Gm       Bb    Eb 
  As I'm using you 
F         Gm  Eb (hold) 
My little de    coy 

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