Ocean Colour Scene

Second Hand Car

Ocean Colour Scene



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Second Hand Car

Written by Steve Cradock/Simon Fowler/Oscar Harrison/Damon Minchella

       G		                D 
In a second hand car, you ran away from him 
                Am                       C 
you didnt get to far, for he made you cry 
             G                                   D 
then he beat on you, he never treated you 
                          Am                               C 
like something on his shoe....walk on by....on by 
G D Its time...time to run away from him, Em C a man dont act that way, and you know he'll never change
Verse G D well its the way to love, knock down and bruises too Am C and its the way for him, to knock down and use...you G D i send a ticket to you...i say a prayer for you Am C i send the fare to you...and it makes me cry....me cry
G D Its time...time to run away from him, Em C a man dont act that way...and you know he'll never change G D It s time...time for you to come on home Em but the world dont seem that way C and you know he'll never change...never change
Verse G D such a rarer cause, ahh she got lost on him Am C and got lost in thought, as she walks on by G D and make the time to give, if you dont give a #!*$ Am C and make it home and live...without you...and we can Bridge G D Its time...time to run away from him Em C a man dont act that way, and you know he'll never change G D It s time...time for you to come on home Em but the world dont seem that way C and you know he'll never change...never change

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