
Live Forever


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Live Forever

Year: 1994 - Album: Definitely Maybe

Written by Gallagher


Verse 1:

------- G D Maybe, I don't really wanna know Am7 How your garden grows 'cause C D I just wanna fly

Verse 2:

------- G D Lately, did you ever feel the pain Am7 in the morning rain C D as it soaks it to the bone
-------- Em D Maybe I just wanna fly Am7 Wanna live I don't wanna die C Maybe I just wanna breathe D Em Maybe I just don't believe D Maybe you're the same as me Am7 We see things they'll never see Fmaj7 You and I are gonna live forever

Verse 1:

------- Said, G D Maybe, I don't really wanna know Am7 How your garden grows 'Cause C D I just wanna fly

Verse 2:

------- G D Lately, did you ever feel the pain Am7 in the morning rain C D as it soaks it to the bone
(2) -------- Em D Maybe I will never be Am7 All the things that I'd like to be C Now is not the time to cry D Em Now is time to find out why D I think you're the same as me Am7 We see things they'll never see Fmaj7 You and I are gonna live forever
Solo G D Am7 C D 2x Em D Am C D Em D Am F7+

Verse 1:

------- G D Maybe, I don't really wanna know Am7 How your garden grows 'cause C D I just wanna fly

Verse 2:

------- G D Lately, did you ever feel the pain Am7 in the morning rain C D as it soaks it to the bone
(1) -------- Em D Maybe I just wanna fly Am7 Wanna live I don't wanna die C Maybe I just wanna breathe D Em Maybe I just don't believe D Maybe you're the same as me Am7 We see things they'll never see Fmaj7 You and I are gonna live forever
Am7 Fmaj7 (Gonna live forever...) Solo Am7 Fmaj7

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