Neutral Milk Hotel


Neutral Milk Hotel

chords Beginner beginner


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Key:  G More
Engine Key DD
Engine Key D#D#
Engine Key EE
Engine Key FF(one step down)
Engine Key F#F#(half step down)
Engine Key GG(original key)
Engine Key G#G#(half step up)
Engine Key AA(one step up)
Engine Key A#A#
Engine Key BB
Engine Key CC
Engine Key C#C#
	  		Intro:  G - A - C - G 
    G       A          C           G 
for i am an engine and i'm rolling on 
    G            A           C             G 
the world is all bending and breaking from me 
    G           A            C               G 
the sweetness alone who flew out through the window 
    G           A         C       C        G 
and landed back home in a ga-a-a garden of green 
A - C - G - G - A - C - G 
             G        A          C         G 
(and) you're riding alone in the back of a steamer 
    G            A           C           G 
and steaming yourself in the warm shower spray 
    G           A          C               G 
and water rolls on off the round captain's balley 
      G          A            C       C     G 
who's talking to tigers from his cafeteria tray 
A - C - G - G - A - C - G 
    G            A           C             G 
and sweet babies cry for the cool taste of milking 
     G        A           C        G 
that milky delight that invited us all 
    G            A             C         G 
and if there's a taste in this life more inviting 
     G            A           C            C            G 
then wake up your windows and watch as the sweet babies crawl 
A   C   C 


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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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