Missy Higgins

Oh Canada

Missy Higgins

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Oh Canada

Intro: (SPOKEN) 
More informatiomn has come to light about 3 year old 
Syrian boy Alan Kurdi whose body was found recently washed  
up on a beach in Turkey. Refugee advocates now say his 
families ultimate goal was to reach asylum in Canada. 

        D#m                         C#  G# 
He was carried from the water by a soldier 
        D#m                                   C#  G# 
And the picture screams a thousand different words 
        D#m                              C# G# 
He was running from the terror with his father 
    D#m                                   C# G# 
Who once believed that nothing could be worse 

        D#m                                 C# G# 
So he’d handed a man two thousand precious dollars 
              D#m                          C# G# 
The way you’d rest a bird in a lion’s open jaw 
        D#m                          C#  G# 
And he told the boys that Canada was waiting 

                B                     C# 
That there was hope upon her golden shores 
        B                                     C# 
But at night he said a quiet prayer into the wind 

B F# C# D#m Oh Canada, if you can hear me now F# B F# C# Won’t you open up your arms towards the sea? F# B F# C# D#m Oh Canada, if you can help me out F# B F# C# B F# F# C# D#m B F# C# All I ever wanted was a safe place for my fam-i-ly
Verse: D#m C# G# Well the days were long but the nights were even longer D#m C# G# And the baby boys never left their mothers’ side D#m C# G# But the boat was small and the waves were getting stronger B C# And they began to fear they’d not survive D#m C# G# So the father said “We gotta hold each other tighter D#m C# G# I’m not losing everything I love tonight D#m C# G# And we’ve come so far I know that out there somewhere B C# There’s a place where we won't have to fear for our lives” B F# C# But as he held onto the side of the boat he looked up at the sky
F# B F# C# D#m Oh Canada, if you can hear me now F# B F# C# Won’t you open up your arms towards the sea F# B F# C# D#m Oh my Canada, if you can help me out F# B F# C# B F# C# D#m B F# C# The sea is churning I think we’re going doooooooooooooooown F# B F# C# D#m Oh Canada, if you can hear me now B F# C# Won’t you open up your arms towards me B F# C# D#m Oh, anyone please help me out B F# C# B F# C# D#m B F# C# All I ever wanted was a safe place for my familyyyyyyyyyyy
OUTRO: D#m C# G# There’s a million ways to justify your fear D#m C# G# There’s a million ways to measure out your words D#m F# C# But the body of Alan being laid upon the sand B Tell me how do you live with that?

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