Merle Haggard

It's Not Love (But It's Not Bad)

Merle Haggard


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It's Not Love (But It's Not Bad)

Written by Glenn Martin and Hank Cochran

	  		Verse 1:
        G                 G7          C
She was always there each time I needed you,
        G                          D7
holding on to me like I held on to you,
   G                     G7             C
We still don't have what you and I once had;
         G        D7            G    G7
No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad.
C G No, It's Not Love, not like ours was. It's Not Love, C G D7 but it keeps love from driving me mad; G G7 C And I don't have to wonder who she's had. D7 G D7 G C G D7 No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad
Verse 2: G G7 C I turn to her when you leave me alone, G D7 sometimes even when you're here, and you're still gone. G G7 C She'e slowly changing what you leave so sad; G D7 G G7 No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad. Chorus

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