Merle Haggard

If I'd Left It Up To You

Merle Haggard


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If I'd Left It Up To You

	  		(C)You made plans to leave a (F)thousand times I (C)know, 
And a (G)thousand times I should have let you (C)go. 
But each time I'd always (F)beg you back (C)somehow, 
If I'd (G)left it up to you, it would all be over (C)now. 
It would (G)all be over now, except the (C)crying, 
I'd be (G)used to spending all my time (C)alone. 
Wish I'd found a way to (F)let you go (C)somehow, 
If I'd (G)left it up to you, it would all be over (C)now. 
(C)  (F)  (C)  (G)  (C) 
It would (G)all be over now, except the (C)crying, 
I'd be (G)used to spending all my time (C)alone. 
Wish I'd found a way to (F)let you go (C)somehow, 
If I'd (G)left it up to you, it would all be over (C)now. 

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