Merle Haggard

Chill Factor

Merle Haggard

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Chill Factor

Written by Merle Haggard

G                D7                             G 
Seems like every November when the weather gets bad 

           D7                             G 
I start to remember all the good times we had 

                    C                                  G 
The long nights get longer I wish an friend would come by 

                D7                         G 
The forecast is zero and the chill factors high 

                   C                              G 
You know the chill factors higher on a cold windy day 

                         D7                         G 
But thereā??s no wind this morning and no wind on the way 

                      C                        G 
Thereā??s a snowstorm inside me with record high wind 

                    D7                     G 
And I'm colder this morning than I've ever been 

                 D7                             G 
Seems like every November when the weather gets bad 

           D7                             G 
I start to remember all the good times we had 

                    C                                  G 
The long nights get longer I wish an friend would come by 

                D7                         G 
The forecast is zero and the chill factors high 

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