Jon Foreman

Your Love Is Strong

Jon Foreman

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Your Love Is Strong

Written by Jon Foreman

	  		Tuning - Standard (E A D G B E) 
*Chords are listed at end of song 

Intro - 2x 
B5 B5/E Eadd9 B/E 

Verse 1 
B5              B5/E          Eadd9  B/E 
Heavenly Father, You always amaze me 
         B5                 B5/E             Eadd9  B/E 
Let your kingdom come in my world and in my life 
    B5                 B5/E                     Eadd9  B/E 
You give me the food I need to live through the day 
       B5              B5/E                 Eadd9     B/E 
And forgive me as I forgive the people that wronged me 
Eadd9            B/E       Eadd9    B/E         Bsus4  B5/E Eadd9 B/E 
Lead me far from temptation deliver me from the evil one 
  B5                 B5/E            Eadd9     B/E 
I look out the window, the birds are composing 
      B5             B5/E            Eadd9  B/E 
Not a note is out of tune or out of place 
  B5                B5/E              Eadd9   B/E 
I walk to the meadow and stare at the flowers 
       B5               B5/E                Eadd9  B/E 
Better dressed than any girl on her wedding day 

Eadd9           B5/E 
So why should I worry? 
Eadd9          B5/E 
Why do I freak out? 
          Bsus4      B5/E 
God knows what I need 
You know what I need 

Chorus - 3x 
Your love is 
Your love is 
E5          F#5 
Your love is strong 

B5 B5/E Eadd9 B/E 

Verse 2 
    B5                    B5/E      Eadd9   B/E 
The kingdom of the heavens is now advancing 
  B5               B5/E              Eadd9  B/E 
Invade my heart, invade this broken town 
    B5                    B5/E       Eadd9    B/E 
The kingdom of the heavens is buried treasure 
          B5               B5/E             Eadd9  B/E 
Would you sell yourself to buy the One you found? 

Pre-Chorus 2 
Eadd9          B/E 
Two things You told me 
Eadd9        B/E 
That You are strong 
        Bsus4  B5/E  
And You love me 
Yes, You love me 

Chorus - 4x 

C#m7       B/D#   
Our God in heaven  
         E5           F#5 
Hallowed be thy name above all names 
C#m7          B/D#                  E5 
Your kingdom come, Your will be done 
On earth as it is in heaven 
C#m7      B/D#            E5   
Give us today our daily bread 
Forgive us weary sinners 
C#m7        B/D#   
Keep us far from our vices 
   E5          F#5 
And deliver us from these prisons 

Outro - 2x 
B5 B5/E Eadd9 B5/E 

*Chords Used 
    B5  B5/E  Eadd9  Bsus4   C#m7  B/D#  E5  F#5 

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