Joe Diffie

The Quittin' Kind

Joe Diffie


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The Quittin' Kind

Written by Phil Barnhart/Sam Hogin

	  		(verse 1) 
G                            C 
I know you're holding your breath  
You're wondering what's coming next, 
D                           G 
Can't be too careful this time, 
G                              C 
No Love ain't something you trust,  
You've seen a little too much, 
D                G 
of the quittin' kind, 
(verse 2) 
G                           C 
That pain you're wrestling with,   
I know right where it lives, 
D                        G 
Been there a couple of times,   
G                   C                D  
Always 'almost in tears' Living in fear,  
D                 G 
of the quittin' kind, 

C D If you don't know what you're got, G I'll tell you one thing it's not, Em7 C It's not the kind of love that would turn and run, C D This one's steady and strong, G This one will keep going on and on and on, G Em7 D G To the end of time It's ain't the quittin kind,
(G - D - C - G =2x's) (verse 3) You don't have to be scared, We're not going back there, We're going to leave it behind, All that sorrow and grief those, Bad memories of the quittin' kind, (chorus) C D This one's steady and strong, G This one will keep going on and on and on, G Em7 To the end of time, D G It's ain't the quittin kind, Outro - G - D - C - G

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