Jo Stafford

Let There Be Love

Jo Stafford

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Let There Be Love

Written by Ian Grant and Lionel Rand

Intro: C7M C5+ C7M C5+ Em7 A7/13- Dm7/9 G7/13 C7M/9 G4/7/9 

                  Cm7  Em7                   G/Bb 
Let there be you,         let there be me 
A7/9-         Dm5-/7  Fdim                C9 Dm7 Em7       
Let there be oysters,        under the sea 
Cdim          Dm7  Fdim               C9  C7M/9 
Let there be wind,     occasional rain 
Cdim        Dm7  Fdim                              C7M/9 Dm7 Fdim 
Chili con carne,         and sparkling champagne 
             C9          Em7                         C9 Gdim Dm7  
Let there be birds        to sing in the trees 
           Dm5-/7           Fdim                        C9  Gdim Dm7 
Someone to bless me          whenever I sneeze 
Fdim           C9           Em7                       A9 Em7 A7 
Let there be cuckoos,         a lark and a dove  
    Fdim           Dm7    Fdim                     C  Bb9 C7M/9 
But first of all, please,         let there be love 

Interlude: Cm7 Em7 G/Bb A7/9- Dm5-/7 Fdim C9 Dm7 Em7       

                  Cm7  Em7                   G/Bb 
Let there be you,         let there be me 
A7/9-         Dm5-/7  Fdim                C9 Dm7 Em7       
Let there be oysters,        under the sea 
Cdim          Dm7  Fdim               C9  C7M/9 
Let there be wind,     occasional rain 
Cdim        Dm7  Fdim                              C7M/9  Dm7 Fdim 
Chili con carne,         and sparkling champagne 
             C9          Em7                         C9  Gdim Dm7  
Let there be birds        to sing in the trees 
           Dm5-/7           Fdim                        C9   Gdim Dm7 
Someone to bless me          whenever I sneeze 
Fdim           C9           Em7                       A9  Em7 A7 
Let there be cuckoos,         a lark and a dove  
    Fdim           Dm7    Fdim                     C   Bb9 C7M/9 
But first of all, please,         let there be love 

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