Jim Croce

Cotton mouth river

Jim Croce



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Cotton mouth river

Capo on 3rd fret
  G                                  Bm     C         D 
 Well I know that I shouldn't have done it I Know it just 
          G                                   Bm           wasn't right.They got me backed up to the cotton mouth  
               C        D         G 
river and I can't see late at night. 
Chrous....You know there's lot's of stories told about  
        G                       C                D 
 the cotton mouth river they tell them time and again  
  G                               Bm                        the men who tried to cross that river by moonlight and  
  C           D          G  
never were heard from again.. 
 G                            Bm       C                             
If I had all my live to live over I wouldn't have gone to   D             G                              Bm           work that day.Instead of going into town and shooting  
             C              D       G         
down for a thing I never heard him say(Chrous) 
G                             Bm             C        D     I just made it through the cane break and I got one foot 
        G                                        Bm  
in the mud.I can hear the dogs obeying and the snakes                         C             D            
around my ankles telling me my running days are  


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