Jethro Tull

Love Story

Jethro Tull

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by  MAX(BA)

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Love Story

Year: 1972 - Album: Living in the Past

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		G5  A5    C5  D5  
A5                           C5 D5 A5  
Going back in the morning time to see if my love  
                 C5 D5 A5  
has changed her mind, yeah.  
D                     Dm  
I know what I will find  
that she is wasting time,  
she could be picking roses.  
(rest the same)  
Going back in the morning time to see if my love  
has seen the light, yeah.  
Oh, I told her last night she should improve her sight, she could be painting  
the roof. Going back in the morning time to see if my love has come around, yeah. She offered me  
no sound, her head is in the ground, She could be calling for winter.  


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