Glass Tiger

(watching) Worlds Crumble

Glass Tiger

chords Intermediate intermediate


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(watching) Worlds Crumble

	  		Intro G  D/F#  Em  F  
        C  Bb  A 

        G        D/F#          Em  F 
I can see the look in their eyes 
         C           Bb                  A 
Their fears, cold tears fall to the ground 
        G       D/F#             Em  F 
And their words just echo more lies 
         C           Bb                  A 
More plans, blood stained hands all around 

F                   Dm      C        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F                   Dm     Am     Bb           
Look at me, I'm making walls tumble 
F          Dm       C                 Bb 
Take my hand, oh lord, it's all I've got 
F                  Dm        Am       Bb 
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 

G           D/F#                  Em  F    
With their hearts they ask me to stay 
       C          Bb          A 
One life, one voice, calling me 
G             D/F#                  Em  F 
I see their eyes and I can't look away 
     C           Bb              A     
Oh God, why do people have to suffer every day 

F                   Dm      C        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F                   Dm     Am     Bb           
Look at me, I'm making walls tumble 
F          Dm       C                 Bb 
Take my hand, oh lord, it's all I've got 
F                  Dm        Am       Bb 
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 

    F            Eb             Bb 
I know there's more than just you 
Gm     F        Eb          Bb 
You know it's all I can do 
    F            Eb             Bb 
I know there's more than just you 
Gm     F        Eb                   G  Em  D  C 
You know it's all I can , all I can do 
Oh, thinking 'bout you 

( Em  Bm  C  G ) 
( Em  D  C  G ) 
( Em  Bm  C ) 
( G  D/F#  Em  F ) 
( C  Bb  A ) 

F                   Dm      C        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F                   Dm     Am     Bb           
Look at me, I'm making walls tumble 
F          Dm               C        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F    Dm              C            Bb            
I know I've got to give it all I got 
F                   Dm      C        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F          Dm             Am     Bb           
Look at me, I'm making walls tumble 
F    Dm              C            Bb            
I've got to give it all I got (got to give it all) 
F          Dm       C                 Bb 
Take my hand, oh lord, it's all I've got (take my hand) 
(Oh, it's all I've got) 
F                   Dm      Am        Bb      
Look at me, I'm watching worlds crumble 
F     Dm             C        Bb 
I know I've got to give it all, got to give it all 
F                Dm       Am       Bb   
Oh lord, I'm watching worlds crumble  Oh 

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