
Pro Memoria


chords Intermediate intermediate


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Pro Memoria

Lucifer, whispering 
F                  Cm 
Silently into your mind 
Eb            Bb 
  Who walks behind 
Who walks behind 
Standing tall, invincible 
F                      Cm 
But do not forget your knives 
Eb             Bb 
  To save your lives 
To save your lives 
F                      Cm 
Don't you forget about dying 
Eb                     Bb 
Don't you forget about your friend death 
F                     G#       Bb  Cm Bb Cm 
Don't you forget that you will die 
Donā??t you vomit savage slurs 
F              Cm 
Spewed up wickedly 
Eb             Bb 
  To hide from me 
To hide from me 
Navigate all alone 
F                   Cm 
On this tempestuous sea 
Eb             Bb 
  To ride with me 
To ride with me 
F                      Cm 
Don't you forget about dying 
Eb                     Bb 
Don't you forget about your friend death 
F                     G#       Bb  Cm Bb Cm 
Don't you forget that you will die 
F                      Cm 
Don't you forget about dying 
Eb                     Bb 
Don't you forget about your friend death 
F                     G#       Bb Cm Bb Cm 
Don't you forget that you will die 

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