Fuzzy Bumble

Any Other Way

Fuzzy Bumble

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Any Other Way

Written by Fuzzy Bumble

	  		Intro:  Dm  A  F  Bb  A 
        Dm  Am  F  Bb  A 

Dm       Am   F 
I got stuck, need a bump on the chest 
Bb                     Am 
Broke her heart the other day hope it's for the best 
Dm                 F 
A shrill sigh as I open my eye 
Bb                                      A 
Find her there by my side, figure I'll survive 

Dm           F 
Yeah, and I want you to stay 
Bb                                   A   C 
Take you out of my mind if it's for a day 
Dm           F 
Yeah, kept love at bay 
Bb                             A 
Now it hurts me so badly I want to say 

F         A          Dm                   Bb               F 
Oh, for you, I'll be waiting, on the bathroom floor, you know 
A         Dm                        Bb                     F 
I ask, emancipate me, from your heart-tooth grasp and I say 
          A                    Dm    Bb 
Would you want it any other way 
        F                    A                Dm    Bb 
Guess I'll stay, would I want it any other way 

Dm      Am          F 
Tapped out need a pat on the back 
    Bb                              A          C 
Need a friend I can ask how she wants me to act 
Dm         Am             F 
I try to kneel wearing ten-inch heels 
    Bb                                 A 
An in-authentic spiel but it's so for real 

Dm         Am               F 
Yeah, and I'll drink till I'm fine 
  Bb                                      A           C 
Broke her heart the other day it turns out it was mine 
 Dm                   F 
Cracked ribs and a fault in my side 
  Bb                        A 
Toss my head out the back as I go for a ride 

F         A          Dm                   Bb               F 
Oh, for you, I'll be waiting, on the bathroom floor, you know 
A         Dm                        Bb                     F 
I ask, emancipate me, from your heart-tooth grasp and I say 
          A                    Dm    Bb 
Would you want it any other way 
        F                    A                Dm    Bb 
Guess I'll stay, would I want it any other way 

 Dm  C  Am  G 
 Dm  C  F  Am  G 
 Dm  C  Am  Em 
 Dm  C  A  Am  G  Em 
 Dm  A  F  Bb  A  C 
 Dm  A  F  Bb  A 

Dm                  F 
A hard bed when I see her again 
  Bb                                    A 
Cracked ribs revealing red she's all in my head 
  Dm                   F 
A blue stain on my right side brain 
         Bb                                   A 
Wish I could put away the pain think I'll go insane 

Dm    A          F 
Yeah, hope she finds a new guy 
        Bb                         A          C 
Push me up against a wall and claw out my eyes 
Dm              A      F 
Maybe then I'll forget her name 
        Bb                                 A 
Put the bad thoughts away convince myself I'm okay 

F          A              Dm               Bb                F 
Oh, for you, I'll be waiting, on the bathroom floor, you know 
   A            Dm                          Bb             F 
I ask, emancipate me, from your heart-tooth grasp and I say 
            A                  Dm    Bb 
Would you want it any other way 
        F                   A                 
Guess I'll stay, would I want it any other way 

Final:  Dm  Bb  F 

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