Elliot Greer

I Bought A Honda

Elliot Greer

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I Bought A Honda

Written by Elliot Greer


Verse 1:

G D We were hiding in your Honda G Em C It hadn't stormed that hard in years G D It was last time that i saw ya G Em C The rain on my face hid my tears G D You got engaged to Adam Em C I kinda hoped he'd take my place G D I bet your dad was relieved it happened Em C And I hope you're happy, but just in case
G If you ever find that you've given up D You've made a mistake or you're just out of luck Em We could go right back to that night C Only this time do things right G I know they say don't revisit the past D But, honey, I just didn't know what i had Em I don't drive as much as I used to C G D But I bought a Honda to remind me of you

Verse 2:

G D Six months into New York City Em C You mailed a box with all my stuff G D It just sits there in the corner Em C Never had the guts to open up
G If you ever find that you've given up D You've made a mistake or you're just out of luck Em We could go right back to that night C Only this time do things right G I know they say don't revisit the past D But, honey, I just didn't know what i had Em I don't drive as much as I used to C G D But I bought a Honda to remind me of you

Verse 3:

G I miss us driving through the middle of the night D Your hand gripping my leg so tight Em Always trying to outrun the moonlight C For one more second baby by your side G I should have told you i was leaving next day D But i guess you knew as i drove away Em You paused like you had something to say C But you just nodded, babe
G If you ever find that you've given up D You've made a mistake or you're just out of luck Em We could go right back to that night C Only this time do things right G I know they say don't revisit the past D But, honey, I just didn't know what i had Em I don't drive as much as I used to C G D But I bought a Honda to remind me of you

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