Dinosaur Jr.

Almost Fare

Dinosaur Jr.

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Almost Fare

Written by J Mascis

G Em C Am 
G Em C Am 
G Em C Am 
G Em C Am 

Verse 1:

G Em C Am G Em C Am Come with me, Come with me it's the time now G Em C Am G Em C Am You won't see, you and me gotta find out G Em C Am G Em C Am Always free, almost free, almost maybe G Em C Am G Em C Am On your own, all you know, time is fading
E D E D E Now there she is, what should I do? what should I give? D E D Stop to breathe, now your almost there get on your knees and

Verse 2:

G Em C Am G Em C Am Come with me, come with me to be alone now G Em C Am G Em C Am Go with her, All you learn, eyes will show her G Em C Am G Em C Am It's the past, were the last words you say? G Em C Am G Em C Am Almost there, always fare, make your own way
E D E D E Now there she is, what should I do? what should I give? D E D It all disbands, she's walking out now touch her hand

Verse 3:

G Em C Am G Em C Am Come with me, Come with me it's the time now G Em C Am G Em C Am You won't see, you and me gotta find out G Em C Am G Em C Am Almost there, always fare do it over G Em C Am G Em C Am Go to her, All you learn eyes will show her
Solo: G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am G Em C Am

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